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Online Ceremony

Our online shamanic ceremonies are 4-5 hours intuitive cacao meditations where we allow Cacao to facilitate the flow.

They are a mixture of meditation, shamanic sound/drum-journey, relaxation, prayers, singing and therapeutic guidance. This is an opportunity to listen inwards in whichever way is comfortable and right for you.

There is nothing you have to do, no specific way you have to be or perform during the ceremony. You also don’t have to have Cacao to attend the ceremony - you are welcome to join with your favorite cup of tea instead!

The Program

  • Welcoming circle

  • Intention setting

  • Sound journey with live music

  • Guided individual processes

  • Sharing circle

More about Cacao and the Ceremony

The shamanic ceremony can lead you through deep emotional states, give profound wisdom, healing and provides a grounding experience. It can also help you “simply” to be present, being you at this very moment or whatever medicine you need the most at that time.
We work shamanic where one part of the ceremony will be lead by a sound/drum journey. Our soundscape is 100% acoustic where we work through singing, drumming, rattles, harmonium, guitar, singing bowls and other instruments.

In the other big part of the ceremony we will lead through some individual processes, where we will work more with words and guided meditations.

Ceremonial Cacao is such an amazing and profoundly healing and sacred plant medicine - both gentle, powerful and enjoyable!

It enhances, supports and enable you to reconnect to your heart, your inner wisdom, your body, self-expression, creativity, the present now, nature and so much more.

We work with 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao. This is a whole food, where the whole bean is being used - nothing is added and nothing is removed (except water and specific spices when we make the cacao).

Cacao can help you get in contact with your emotions and you body and support whatever processes or personal growth that you are dealing with in your life right now.

If you don’t have cacao at hand, we are happy to send you some! Choose between our own blend, as a ready-to-use single portion for 75DKK (plus shipping) or a whole block (around 10 portions) with 5% discount directly from Keith.

(Please keep in mind, that international deliveries can take up to 2 weeks - so, order early to have your Cacao ready for the ceremony ;)

Practicalities and price


The price for the ceremony have three price ranges to accommodate those with limited income as well as those with abundance to support others;

  • General price: 260 kr. / 35€ per person

  • Support price: 185 kr. / 25€ per person; for those with limited income

  • Abundance price: 335 kr. / 45€ per person; for those in a place of abundance who feel called to help support others


11 February

Drumbuilding Workshop

26 February

Urkraft Ceremoni