Plant Initiations:
Deepen your connection to the plants right outside your doorstep
The medicine we need is growing all around us.
Called by nature?
Perhaps you feel called by the nettle, the oak, the dandelion or the aloe vera in your flowerpot. Whatever it is, plants find a way to come to us.
How do we open up and receive their wisdom and medicine?
How can we continue to explore creatively in our daily lives? How to stay connected to ourselves & nature in the fog of life, lunch boxes and packed calendars?
Each month we have a plant in ceremony together with Cacao. This is the start of the Initiation!

Let the plants guide you deeper into your core
Plant Initiations are a deep connection with a specific plant, asking it to be a teacher & guide, to heal and to share its (spiritual) medicine - to become an ally by sharing this medicine with the world.
It supports your healing process, your personal growth and brings you more awareness. The plant will treat you and teach you about it's medicine and how to work with it. It can become a close friend, a partner in building a bridge between the spirit world and the human world.
Let the Plant Initiation be a supportive structure in your life, allow nature to nourish & empower you in your own home, right here, right now.
The magic of connecting in your daily life is that this connection is already integrated into your life throughout the program. You'll learn from and connect with the plant in your home and it will bring its medicine into every aspect of your life.
Initiation into the energy of a plant
Plant Initiations can be thought of as a 'gentle introduction' where you take your time to get to know the plant in your everyday life. You can see it as initiating a friendship, getting to know each other and inviting this energy into as many aspects of your life as you dare. Allowing your nervous system time to adjust to the new energy and all the healing that comes with it.
Emerge yourself in the healing energy of a plant such as Calendula for a guided 3 week Plant Initiation including:
Plant and Cacao Ceremony, Cph, week 1
Online Plant Masterclass & Ritual, online, Week 2
Online Plant Initiation Ceremony, online, Week 3
Remember an initiation is not a graduation :)
Find your own way
Through a mixture of online sessions and 'self-study' you'll emerge into connecting with and learning from a particular plant. You can do this from your own home or travel somewhere, such as a cabin in the woods, to go a little deeper into silence, solitude and meditation.
Our focus is on supporting you to find your own way of connecting and developing your own relationship with a particular plant. A Plant Initiation is an opportunity to curiously go on a journey with a plant and allow the process to unfold in its own way. We'll provide just enough structure, guidance and support to allow you to be curious, creative and let the plant and you find a common flow. Throughout the Initiation we hold the space, guide the connection and support you to go deeper and with whatever processes may arise.