Voice - Womb - Witchcraft

A 9-month Ritual Journey into your Wild Feminine Landscape & cyclical wisdom

Can you feel it stirring?

That ancient wisdom pulsing in your blood. The wild song trapped in your throat. The deep knowing in your womb that whispers: there is more.

More magic. More authenticity. More raw, real connection to the earth, to your body, to your power.

You have walked the edge of this calling, circling it like a hungry lone wolf or a frightend child. Now you are ready to cross the threshold.

This is an invitation to remember. To reclaim. To rewild.

This is the time for boldly stepping back into nature. Into Wildness. Into Authenticity. Into connection.
A time for howling at the moon, gifting the earth your tears & blood in reverence and dancing, laughing with your sisters around the fire. This is remembering. This is real.

Will you answer?

Do you dare?…

…To meet your inner big bad wolf?

Journey through your voice, your womb & your magic as we dance with the turning of the wheel.

All who feel called to explore their feminine essence are welcome in this circle.

For nine moons, we'll journey together through:

  • The sacred darkness of your womb temple

  • The liberation of your voice medicine

  • The wild wisdom of your feminine nature

  • The depths of authentic sisterhood

  • The power of earth-based ritual and magic

  • The wisdom of the seasons & meeting nature on her premisses

  • Into Nordic Animism and traditional seasonal celebrations

We will be diving into rituals for awakening our feminine landscape. For your moon temple, for softness, for showing up with relentless consistency to yourself. Working with magic, circles, movement, eros, flow, sensuality and receptivity.

This container is for you if:

  • You're ready to dive deeper into your feminine mysteries

  • Your body whispers of ancient wisdom waiting to be remembered

  • You know there's a wildness within you, yearning to be expressed

  • Your voice longs to be freed, your truth to be spoken

  • You're called to weave magic with the turning of the seasons

  • You seek genuine connection with sisters who understand

  • You trust that both pleasure and shadow hold medicine

  • You are ready to walk a path of embodiment - showing up, integrating and becoming in all aspects of life.

I've walked these depths. I've danced with the darkness and the light. I've remembered the songs of our grandmothers, and I can guide you safely through this transformation - honoring both your fierce power and your tender softness.

The circle is calling. The portal is opening. Your wild soul is ready.

Will you answer?

“Eva Maria is an encredible powerful mentor and guide. If you feel a calling, I can only recommend you to take a leap of faith, jump into the unknown, and be forever baptized into a world where magic is real”.

- Isabel

The Sacred Spiral:
Our Journey Through the Wheel

  • Opening the Portal

    6-7/9 2025

    Creating sacred space and ritual framework

    First steps into forest wisdom

    Awakening the witch's tools and practices

    Opening the vortex between worlds

    Foundation practices for voice, womb, and magic

  • Into the wheel (Michaelmas)

    28/9 2025

    Cyclical wisdom

    Creating your womb temple foundations

    Maiden, Mother & Crone

    Kharmic knotting rituals

    The goddess of Ma’at

  • Into the Void (All Hallows' Eve)

    31/10-2/11 2025

    Into the silence of the void

    Shadow work and ancestral healing

    Awakening the Witch

    Mørkesidning (sitting-with-the-dark)

    Voice work with grief and power

    Blood rituals and death mysteries

  • The Deep, Dark & Wild (Hulda's Eve)

    14/12 2025

    Primordial sound in darkness

    Ancient Nordic winter songs

    Walking the labyrinth

    Stillness and sacred silence

    The Wild Hunt

  • Songs of new beginnings (Candlemas/Imbolc)

    1/2 2026

    Weaving with playfulness

    Water rituals & Purification rites

    Songs of beginning & welcoming of the Snowdrops

    Softness practices and feminine embodiment

  • Into The Moon (Spring fertility)

    22/2 2026

    Blood mysteries and moon wisdom

    Awakening pleasure and creativity

    Deepening the womb temple

    Voice Activation & bomb toning

    Womb blessing rituals

  • Fire's Rebirth (Spring Equinox/ Day of the Spring Lady)

    28-29/3 2026

    Rites of Passage

    Sacred fire activation ceremony

    Ritual cleansing & knotting magic

    Sweatlodge purification & transformation

    Connecting with the fierce, fiery feminine archetypes

  • Wild Emergence (Valborg's Eve)

    26/4 2026

    Unleashing your witch's voice

    Flower magic & Love elixirs

    Kneading & dough magic

    Rising power practices

    Creative expression rituals

  • Full Bloom

    23-24/5 2026

    Celebrating life force energy/shakti

    Pleasure rituals and embodiment

    Standing in your power

    Forest song circles

    Integration of voice, womb, and magic

    Closing Ceremony and celebration

Sacred container

Our 9-month spiral includes:

  • 5 x full-day gatherings in wild nature

  • 3 x two-day gatherings including 1 Sweatlodge ceremony

  • 1 x three-day deep dive Retreat including a Udesidning/Mørkesidning (A Nordic Vision Quest)

  • 6 x online moon circles for integration

  • 2 x individual healing sessions

  • Seasonal rituals and at-home practices

We will start with the first 2-days gathering Saturday-Sunday the 4th-7th of September 2025!

Traveling Homewards

Voice: Your Natural Song

Your voice holds every story you've ever lived, every truth you've hidden, every song your ancestors sang. It's not about being a "good singer" - it's about being authentically you.

Within you lives a voice that knows how to sing with the wind, to speak your truth, to express your soul's deepest longings. This voice emerges not through force, but through gentle unwinding, through playful exploration, through deep listening to the wisdom of your body.

We'll work with sound as medicine, learning to:

  • Free your natural voice through gentle practices

  • Express both your thunder and your whisper

  • Let your body's wisdom guide your song

  • Share your truth with growing confidence

Womb: Your Feminine Center

Your womb space - whether physical or energetic - is a temple of creation, holding both the void's darkness and life's endless potential. It's a place of power, pleasure, and profound wisdom.

Here, we journey into:

  • The rhythms of your own sacred cycles

  • The language & landscape of your body's deep knowing

  • The dance between softness and power

  • The awakening of your creative life force

Through ritual, movement, and careful tending, we'll reawaken this sacred space, honoring both its shadows and its light.

Witchcraft: Your Natural Power

This is not about cauldrons and pointed hats (though we love those too). This is about remembering your natural connection to the living world, about walking between the worlds of seen and unseen, about crafting your life with intention and power.

We practice magic by:

  • Working with nature in all her moods - from gentle spring rains to winter's fierce storms

  • Creating rituals that bridge the mystical and practical

  • Awakening your natural intuition and inner knowing

  • Dancing with both shadow and light

Our magic is both wild and grounded, ancient and immediate. It lives in the forest's darkness, in moonlit rituals, in daily practices, in the way we choose to move through the world.

This journey weaves these three paths together - voice, womb, and witchcraft - creating a spiral of transformation that honors both your fierce wildness and your need for sustainable practice. Whether you whisper or roar, dance or sit in stillness, this container holds space for all of you.

We work gently yet deeply, understanding that true power comes not from forcing change but from allowing your natural self to emerge. Like a seed breaking through soil, like a stream finding its course, like the moon cycling through her phases - this is about becoming more fully who you already are.

What We'll Create Together

Voice Rewilding

  • Free your voice from ancestral and personal wounds

  • Learn to channel pure sound from your womb

  • Discover the medicine songs within you

  • Express your full range - from whisper to roar, grief to ecstasy

Womb Wisdom

  • Awaken your sacred feminine center through ritual and presence

  • Connect with your cyclical nature and moon wisdom

  • Heal and integrate womb trauma with gentleness

  • Explore pleasure, sensuality, and creative power and lifeforce eneregy

Wild Magic

  • Create potent Rituals aligned with nature's rhythms

  • Work with Nordic plants for healing and transformation

  • Learn traditional animistic practices and year celebrations

  • Weave spells with voice, blood, and intention

This program is an invitation, an initiation into this path but you have to do the work. I will guide you but you have to step into presence with whatever comes up throughout the journey, to bring awareness, kindness and pleasure into every single part of you. To awaken your medicine, cry your tears and sing your songs.

Dancing with Darkness

Nature’s Deeper Invitation

Many seek connection with nature only in her gentlest moments - on sun-dappled forest paths, in flower-filled meadows, beneath calm summer skies. But nature holds deeper mysteries in her darkness, fierce wisdom in her storms, ancient secrets in her cold embrace.

This journey calls you beyond the comfortable edges of daylight spirituality.

Here, we meet nature on her own terms - in the raw darkness of winter nights, through the howling winds of November, under the frost-kissed moon, in the dead silence of snow-covered forests. For it is here, in these threshold spaces, that the deepest magic lives. When we dare to step into nature's darkness, we also step into our own - finding that both hold profound medicine.

This is where we:

  • Face our primal fears of the wild dark

  • Release our need to control and "perfect" nature

  • Meet the parts of ourselves we've deemed too wild, too dark, too much

  • Learn to trust our instincts and inner knowing

  • Discover that comfort often keeps us small

  • Remember that we too are natural beings - raw, wild, and cyclical

The ancient witches didn't choose only fair-weather magic. They knew that power lives in the extremes, in the edges, in the places that make us tremble.

This container honors that wisdom. We gather in all weather, under all skies. We sing with storms, dance with darkness, pray with frost. We learn to read nature's messages not just in flower petals and birdsong, but in crow calls and rotting leaves, in bitter winds and bare branches.

Because true connection with nature - like true connection with ourselves - means embracing all of her faces, all of her moods, all of her seasons.

Are you ready to meet nature in her fullness? To discover the magic that lives beyond your comfort zone? To remember that you too are wild and weather-worn and wonderful?

The darkness is calling. And it holds gifts beyond measure.

Language of the Heart

While we primarily gather in Danish, we welcome international sisters and can shift to English as needed. Your voice work can flow in any tongue - the language of the soul knows no bounds.

Are you ready to remember? To reclaim? To rewild? Book a discovery call to explore if this journey calls to you.

A Note on Safety and Support

This journey honors both light and shadow, pleasure and pain, expansion and contraction. We create a safe container for deep work while respecting each woman's pace and boundaries. All practices are invitational, and healing doesn't have to hurt - we can transform through pleasure and play as much as through release.

Why Now?

  • Are you yearning to break free from the cage of silence and sing your soul's true song?

  • Does your womb space call for deeper listening, healing, and awakening?

  • Is your wild nature crying out to be embraced in all its raw, messy, magnificent glory?

  • Do you long for sacred ritual, for magic that pulses with life, for ceremony that transforms?


The 9-months Ritual Journey = 18.500 kr.

Yes, Payment plans are available.

Let’s work together

Join the witch coven and let’s journey through the portal together!