Voice - Womb - Witchcraft

A 9 month ritual journey into your voice, your womb & your magic*

*All genders & all stages of life (also including babies) are welcome in the circle

Want more magic in your life? More meaningful rituals to connect to nature? Ceremonial spaces for slowing down and listening? Deeper connection to your sensual aliveness and life force energy? Shakti? Want to sing more in your life?

Then join this witches coven where we’ll explore magic, rituals, communion with nature and our feminine landscape. This is an opportunity to build a bridge between the magic and mystery and integrate this into your everyday life. An opportunity to deepen your connection and practice with your voice & womb. This is a space for sacred ceremony, to play, to rest, to explore and expand freedom in your life!

Ready to reclaim your magic?
Ready to listen to your intuition? To listen to the whispers of the earth and your womb? To the song of your blood? To the mystery behind the veil within?

Do you dare?

Do you dare to believe, trust and listen to the wisdom on your blood…? your bones…? Your womb…? Your voice…? The earth under your feet…? Your magic…? The whispers behind the veil…?

Together, we’ll dive deeper into a practice with magic, deeper into earth-based rituals, medicine making from Nordic plants, intuition & ancient shamanic pratices.

9 months ritual journey into your voice, womb and witchcraft!

We’ll meet approx. 2 times per month; 1 full day workshop i nature or my garden/house and 1 evening online circle to integrate the practice.

If there is enough signs up I will also make a fully online version! So reach out if you feel a call!


Singing is to express and play with life! We all know how to sing deep inside - it is written in our DNA! I’m here to support you in daring to open your voice and daring to share your truth - whether that is through the physical voice or any other (creative) expression. Yes, you are allowed to be here and to speak up!

Singing is expression. Singing is freedom. To be open and free in our voice is about being open and free in our lives.

Singing is listening… It is to listen to the wisdom of spirit all around & within. To listen to the whispers of your body, your womb, your intuition, lifeforce energy and give it space to express.
Free, wild, authentic singing is to be curious, open and receptive to play with the song of the universe within us. To Allow creativity to unfold through your channel.

Join the journey into opening your voice, your inner song, your power and stand more strong and confident in sharing this medicine with the world - in your very own unique way.

Let the earth and your inner song guide you deeper into your love affair your voice, your body and your life! Free blockages that holds you back from shining your light, sharing your voice and standing by it in all it’s magic!


Listening to the whispers of your womb, connecting with your feminine essence and expressing from that powerful place! Whether it is soft & angelic or wild & sassy or everything inbetween, above and below!

Diving into the womb space is a journey into the void. Into creation. Into flow. Into expression and pleasure. Intuition, power, softness, play… So much juicyness and aliveness is in our womb space and that beautiful body of yours!

It is also a journey into darkness, into death and into pain. The pain from our mothers, sisters, daughters, the earth… A journey into all the times we chose to close down, to not speak up and felt small. Can we hold the pain with compassion? Can we dance with our darkness? If we want the wild, juicyness of life we cannot get around working with our voice-womb connection - but we can choose to do it in a delicious, soft & nourishing way. Voice & womb is deeply connected! It is the space with the most traumas but also the most potential for freedom!

We will be diving into rituals for awakening our feminine landscape. For your moon temple, for softness, for showing up with relentless consistency to yourself. Working with movement, eros, flow, sensuality and receptivity.

Practicing magic is about working with the rules of creation to your benefit. About the inner knowing that you are the creatrix/creator of your human experience and that you can shift it. You can step into the beauty, wonder and abundance of the earth. Practicing magic is a practice. A practice of imagination, of mastering your mind, of generosity and gratefulness. It is a practice of listening, of intuition, of ritual, of communion with nature. It is about coming home to the web of life and working with the wholeness of the energy - not only the light “good-vibes-only”. This is about being real with yourself and being your real self!

It is about a deep commitment to yourself, to your dreams and to what is greater than you, and from that commitment doing the work, doing the right actions in alignment. Truly - from this place the biggest limitation in our lives is the smallness of our imagination. Let’s imagine bigger!


Life as a sacred act of ceremony - in the embodied, down-to-earth, fun, magical, juicy & real way!

Remember believing and more importantly feeling the wonders of the world as a kid? Maybe you still do. I’m here to help you remember that magic is real! I’m not talking about fantasy where we imagine that a prince on a white house will come and save us from all of our problems - that is victimhood. I’m talking about the opposite! About us stepping into the wonder, the magic, the mystery of this encredible life and earth. Connecting back to the wisdom in our bones and blood! Rembering the whispers of spirit all around and within us.

Witchcraft is also about reclaiming the healing and importance of dancing with our darkness & our shadows - with pleasure. Embracing the totality of our humanness. This is not a “only-good-vibes” place. This is real, raw, vulnerable and the strength that comes from embracing all of yourself.


As through a spiritual pregnancy, we’ll journey together for 9 months in an intimate coven where we’ll share:

  • 4 x full day gatherings

  • 4 x 2-days gatherings including

    • 1 x Nordic Udesidning (2 days)

    • 1 x Sweatlodge and fire ceremony (2 days)

  • 6 x online ritual circle

  • 2 x individual sessions

We will meet in the circle approx. once a month in nature or my garden/house creating space for magic and ceremony. Each time we’ll dive into a topic, a ritual & a practice. We’ll also meet online circle creating space for integration, reflection and what is needed in the energy. A space for you to bridge the magic of the forest with everyday life.

We will start with the first 2-days gathering Saturday the 14th-15th of September!

Themes of our 9 moduls:

  1. Opening invocation (online)

  2. Into the Ritual

  3. Into the Void

  4. Into the Womb

  5. Into the Voice

  6. Reborn in fire

  7. Into the Witch

  8. Into the Magic

  9. Into life

Discover Your Authentic Voice

Our voice reveals our inner world, reflecting our past, present, and relationships. As children, we often choose to change ourselves to fit in and receive love, affecting our voice. Every time we've silenced ourselves or suppressed our emotions, it shows in our voice.

Working with our voice consciously is transformative. Many say, "But Eva, I don't have a voice like yours." And that's true. Everyone's voice is unique. When we share it honestly and vulnerably, magic happens—inside us and all around us.

The point isn't to sound beautiful or pure, but to express ourselves authentically. This expression can be healing for ourselves and others. Together, we'll explore this in a gentle, step-by-step process, fostering playfulness, freedom, and curiosity. It takes time and safe space to develop this new path, but the freer our expression, the better we can share our truth and gifts with the world.

Join us as we work with nature, song, community, ceremony, shamanism, and nature therapy. Our approach is enjoyable, gentle, and kind to the nervous system, proving that healing doesn't have to hurt.

Join me in nature as we listen to the whispers all around and within.

Together we will explore

In this program, I have gathered the most delicious elements from my toolbox - shamanism, earth based practices and rituals, Nordic plant medicine, music & song, being in community, nature therapy and sprinkled with extra lightness, gentleness, deep listening, pleasure and play:

  • Rituals & Ceremonies

  • Intuition, deep listening & guidance from nature

  • Blood & moontemple rituals

  • Singing, sound and rewilding of your voice

  • Connecting with your womb and feminine essence - wild and soft

  • Sensuality, receptivity & eros

  • Shadow dancing, rage, anger & boundaries

  • Cycle & seasonal wisdom & movement

  • Shamanic tools, plant treatments & medicine making with Nordic Plants

  • Mother Earth Sweatlodge & fire ceremony/connection

  • Udesidning (“nordic version of a vision quest”)

  • Nature therapy, energetic release & healing


Dates for in-person gatherings:

  1. Opening Invocation: Tuesday 3rd of September 2024 (online opening)

  2. Into the Ritual: September 14th-15th

  3. Into the Void: October 6th

  4. Into the Womb: November 10th

  5. Into the Voice: December 15th

  6. Reborn in fire: February 22-23rd 2025

  7. Into the Witch: March 15-16th 2025

  8. Into the magic: April 21st 2025

  9. Into life: May 24-25th 2025

For many of the moduls we open up for the possibility and invite you to arrive the evening before on-site in nature and enjoy a bonfire and nature together before starting. Waking up to birdsong and fully grounded. Modul 2, 6 and 7 and 9 are all 2-day gatherings.

NOTE: There is one date that might shift. It will be fixed within the month of August.


The language of the program will be in Danish unless there are any participants that are non-danish speakers. Then the overall language will be English with the possibility of individual sessions in Danish. You are always welcome to share and sing in your native tongue.


An 9 months journey including:

  • 4 x full day gatherings

  • 4 x 2-days gatherings including

    • Nordic Udesidning (2 days)

    • 1 x Sweatlodge and fire ceremony (2 days)

  • 6 x online ritual circle

  • 2 x individual sessions

In a group of 3-5:

= 18.500 kr.

In a group of 6-8:

= 14.500 kr.

Yes, it is possible to pay via installments.

Let’s work together

Join the witch coven and let’s continue the conversation!