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Drumbuilding Workshop

Create your own shamanic frame drum

Discover the heartbeat of your soul and step with us into the world of rhythm. Learn and experience the shamanic journey in trance and build your own shamanic frame drum.

The shamanic drum is way more than an instrument to generate rhythm. It is a soulful companion, a generous helper and master of the trance by itself. For us to be tuned into nature's rhythm.

Step with us into the world of rhythm, heart-beat, shamanic journeys and energy work

The program

During the workshop you will experience a combination of shamanic rituals, dream journeys with the drum and support and active help to build your very own drum.

We will give you lessons and introductions to every step of the process. So even if you call yourself as not experienced in craftsmanship or shamanic journeys you will be able to hold your own drum in your hands.

From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon you will have consciously brought together spirit and matter, male and female, beech and deer - and therefore surely created more than just an instrument.

The program will be lead by Stephan and Eva and is hold in English with a Danish and German translation available.

Together, we will share

  • Drum journeys

  • Drum building

  • Share circles and talks

  • Organic and vegan food



There will be a maximum of 3 drum-builders on this workshop.


We will be in west Sjælland around Holbæk

All participants will sleep together in the same room, where some of the activities also will be. If the weather is good, some of the building will take place outdoors.


4250 kr.
This price includes all the materials for your drum, food & accommodation. It is possible to pay in several rates.

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6 February

The magical Drum; Explore the shamanic drum and how to use it in treatments.

14 February

Online Ceremony