Plant Mystery Apprenticeship

The Path of Deep Plant Relationships & Sacred Space

Ancient Nordic Wisdom • Embodied Plant Practice • Sacred Service

The Call of the Plants

Deep in your bones, you feel it - the whisper of ancient ways, the call of plant spirits, the yearning to serve as a bridge between worlds. Perhaps you're already walking this path as a space holder, facilitator, or healer. Or maybe you're just beginning to hear the call.

But here's what we've learned after guiding countless practitioners: The most powerful medicine doesn't come from collecting more certificates or rushing to serve. It emerges from doing the deep, foundational work with the plants themselves.

An Ancient Way of Learning

This isn't another online course. It's an intimate apprenticeship in the old ways - learning directly from experienced guides while developing your own unique relationship with plant spirits and the living earth.

Through real-life experiences and personal mentorship, you'll:

  • Journey into the depths of plant spirit communication

  • Deepen you mastery of the art of holding sacred space safely and ethically

  • Learn to sing the songs of the plants and rewild your voice

  • Develop sustainable practices that prevent burnout

  • Transform your calling into a grounded, ethical practices and potentially business

  • Participate in ceremonies and authentic ritual work

A Journey Into Relationship

Every powerful medicine keeper, every authentic ceremonialist, every true space holder shares one foundation: a deep, living relationship with their plant allies. This isn't something that can be rushed or bypassed - it's the heart of all authentic practice.

One apprentice shares: "Magic used to feel unavailable to me. I was doing cold runs with store-bought herbs, hoping for connection. Now I dry my own herbs, create my own rituals, and have real relationships with nature. The plants have become my allies and teachers."

The Foundation of All Medicine Work

Whether you're just beginning to hear the plants' call or you're already holding space for others, the heart of this work remains the same: cultivating deep, respectful relationships with plant allies. Like any relationship - be it human, animal, plant, or spirit - it takes time to grow. It's a step-by-step process of listening, learning, and loving.

Through this apprenticeship, you'll discover:

  • How to build authentic relationships with plant allies

  • Ways to listen to plants' unique teachings

  • Methods for developing your own sacred practices

  • Techniques for protection and grounding

  • Paths to sharing medicine with integrity

Two Paths of Service

The Initiate's Journey
(10 months)

For those beginning their sacred relationship with plants

This path is for you if:

  • You feel deeply called to work with specific plant allies

  • You're yearning to develop genuine plant relationships

  • You want to build strong foundations before serving others

  • You're seeking your unique way of connecting with nature

  • You're new to protection practices and energy work

What you'll receive:

  • Guidance in building deep plant relationships

  • Foundation in plant communication

  • Basic protection and grounding practices

  • Introduction to ceremonial space

  • Personal healing and transformation

  • Monthly mentoring sessions

  • Seasonal ceremonies

  • Access to Plant Wisdom Course


  • 10 months: 32.000 kr - 4.396 $
    Payment plans available

The Advanced Practitioner's Path (6-12 months)

For those ready to deepen their plant relationships and space holding

This path is for you if:

  • You want to develop stronger relationships with your plant allies

  • You're already working with plants but seek deeper connection

  • You need support in developing sustainable practices

  • You're ready to undertake plant Dietas or initiations

  • You want guidance in sharing plant medicine with others

  • You're seeking mentorship in ceremony creation and/or how to create an actual sustainable business around your beautiful plantbased services to the world

What you'll receive:

  • Advanced plant relationship practices

  • Deep dive with specific plant allies

  • Plant Dieta preparation and integration

  • Complex protection methods

  • Integration of ancient wisdom

  • Access to advanced teachings

  • Monthly mentoring sessions

  • Sustainable business development

  • Personal ceremony design


  • 6 months: 16.000 kr - 2.200 $
    Payment plans available.

  • 12 months: 28.000 kr - 3.846 $
    Payment plans available.

The Sacred Container

Both paths include:

  • Regular mentoring sessions (2-hour online or in-person)

  • Plant Initiations ceremonies (3-5 hours)

  • Group integration & Q&A circles

  • Seasonal plant teachings

  • Plant medicine making instruction

  • Access to Plant Wisdom modules

Each season brings

  • Ritual kits for local herbs

  • Plant ally teachings

  • Ceremonial tea blends

  • Sacred practice guides

Optional Deepening

  • Nordic Plant Dieta in Sweden

  • Blue Lotus Initiation in Egypt

  • 24-hour nature immersions

  • Advanced plant relationships

Apprenticing with nature

Together, we will bridge the gap between the divine mystery and the practical aspects of everyday life, bringing sacred ceremony, joy, and grounding deeper into all you do. You’ll journey towards embodying an earth-based approach to life and discover how to share your unique magic with others.

This apprenticeship will explore plant shamanism, inner guidance, ritual work, singing, and healing techniques—all woven together with your existing practices and a deep connection to nature and spirit.

Our focus is on supporting your growth, not just for others but for yourself as well. You’ll learn how to nurture a deep relationship with the more-than-human world, finding flow and confidence in sharing your gifts with the world.

Deep plant relationships

"It is all about your relationship to the plant. About creating, cultivating, growing, living and loving a deep, respectful relationship with the plant. It is from this deep relationship, this deep embodied experience, that we can share with others. Like any relationship, it takes time to grow. It is a step-by-step process. The deeper we go, the more the teachings and medicine unfolds."
- Eva Maria

Is This Your Path?

This mentorship is for those ready to:

  • Commit to genuine depth over quick fixes

  • Do their own inner work alongside outer service

  • Build sustainable foundations for long-term practice

  • Connect with plant allies in profound, life-changing ways

  • Transform their calling into grounded, ethical practice and potentially business

Eva Maria:

“The plants are waiting. The earth is calling. Your medicine is needed. But first, we must do the deep work of listening, connecting & foundation-building. This is how we serve in sustainable, powerful ways.” 

  • Eva Maria's connection to Blue Lotus and plants makes her incredibly powerful as a guide and mentor. Her medicine is very unique! She gently guides you with a mixture of plant wisdom, deep inner child work, coaching, psychotherapy, intuitive magic, and warm presence. She creates a container that feels safe, loving, and profound. The results from working with her and Blue Lotus are still unfolding within me and continuously unlocking new levels of clarity, confidence, self-trust, and self-compassion. It feels like a rebirth process, but with Eva Maria as a doula, it’s filled with love and calm – not pain and fear.  The transformations are so wild that they're hard to explain with words because they’re in the realm of something truly magical. Just to mention one thing, I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening experience during a session with Eva Maria. It wasn’t planned; it just happened, unleashing an energetic dragon within me that had been dormant but now is my fierce ally.  My muggle brain still sometimes struggles to understand how the personal transformations have happened so rapidly, thanks to working with a plant. But Eva Maria and Blue Lotus are simply that powerful! If you feel a calling, I can only recommend you to take a leap of faith, jump into the unknown, and be forever baptized into a world where magic is real❤️‍🔥✨

    Isabel Stine, Women’s Empowerment Coach

  • Jeg oplever at være lærling, som et dybere forløb, der er mere rettet mod min proces som menneske, som student af planterne og som kommende facilitator. Samtidig er der plads til at få prøvet tingene i praksis, som giver en helt anden viden end hvad man kan læse eller lytte sig til – den levede erfaring i kroppen. Ud over den grundlæggende viden om cacao, så åbner lærlingeforløbet også for en mere personligt skræddersyet proces, der løbende tilrettes hvor jeg og vi er. Der er tryghed i at kunne spørge og også blive støttet med individuelle sessioner med plads til at kigge indad for at vokse ind i facilitatorrollen. Jeg tror, vi som mennesker egentlig oplever stor tryghed ved at kunne læne os ind i den viden, som en mester har – her er en mester ment som en person, der har gået og stadig går vejen, og derfor er længere fremme end vi selv endnu. På forskellige vis møder vi i livet folk, som på bestemte områder er gået længere end vi selv er lige dér. Det er en gave at lære af den viden og de erfaringer, som de besidder, og som muliggør en kærlig, tryg og nærende læreproces. Jeg har lært meget mere i dette format!


  • Eva Maria er en fantastisk dygtig facilitator. Jeg har kun oplevet Eva Maria som en yderst dedikeret medicin kvinde, hvor hun kobler det fineste bånd mellem hendes professionalisme, visdom & passion. Eva Maria er inspirerende & byder velkommen til autentisk nærvær med dig selv, andre & planterne. Eva Maria besidder en viden, som sjældent findes udenfor Perus jungle, så det er en gave, at Eva Maria har valgt at bringe sin dybe visdom & sit klare lys med til Danmark, så vi har mulighed for at lære af hende. Når Eva Maria holder rum er det med et roligt & groundende sind. Hun møder dig i øjenhøjde & jeg har kun følt mig mødt & holdt. Eva Maria får mine kærligste & varmeste anbefalinger. At møde Eva Maria & lade hende guide dig i en enkelt ceremoni eller et længere forløb er en transformerende investering i dit liv. Af hjertet tak, Eva Maria”.

    Sanne Kaiser

  • “Eva Maria er en dybt passioneret kvinde med visdom ud over hendes år. Og hendes kontakt til planterne er fuldstændig magisk! Den kakao Eva Maria laver er den bedste jeg har prøvet! Hun kán bare noget med hele sit væsen der sætter aftryk på den medicin hun frembringer. At læne sig ind i hendes univers er en selvkærlig gave til din sjæl. Og nu kan du komme med på den fineste rejse, sammen med Eva Maria og kakao i skøn samhørighed. Se dét er en GOD ide!!”

    Synne Justersen

  • Eva Marie har hjulpet mig med at træde lettere i mit liv. Træde let og mærke dybt. Være nysgerrig og legende, men også med en seriøsitet og passion for mit liv, hvor jeg vil hen og hvad der lever i mig. Intet for stort, intet for småt at vende og dreje og kigge på. Og noget der var småt, viser sig i andet lys, og er måske meget stort og essentielt for ens liv. Og noget der var stort, viser sig måske i andet lys at være noget mindre eller føles mindre i den forståelse, den indre rummelighed og omfavnelse som Eva nænsomt, legende og magisk guider en ind i. Jeg er blæst helt bagover af den dybde der kan findes igennem det legende og nysgerrige og naturens magiske rum. Når indsigt kommer og får lov til virkelig at lande i krop, hjerte og sind. Og en ny historie, et nyt frø kan sås, med en vision for en anden vej, en smukkere vej. At det i sandt nærvær kan italesættes, visualiseres og mærkes i hele ens væsen. Eva Marie guider med denne store nærvær og respekt igennem den indre have der til tider er så overvældende at se på og mærke. Jeg føler mig dybt respekteret og holdt igennem denne svære process og guidet til at mærke og finde min vej, min helt unikke vej her i livet.


Are You Ready?

This path calls for:

  • Commitment to deep, foundational work

  • Willingness to face your shadows

  • Patience with the slow wisdom of plant spirits

  • Dedication to ethical, sustainable practice

  • Openness to transformation

Begin Your Journey

Book a discovery call to explore your path with the plants. Together, we'll discern where you are in your plant relationships and what next steps will serve your journey best.

While our next group journey begins with the Online Plant Wisdom Course in May 2025, individual apprenticeships can start throughout the year. We offer both in-person and online options, understanding that different paths require different approaches.

PS: Distance is not a barrier - we offer fully online versions of both paths. Let's discuss what's possible for your unique situation.

Book a free discovery Call

Join the magic!
Fill out this information about your intention and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!