“Eva Maria er en fantastisk dygtig facilitator. Jeg har kun oplevet Eva Maria som en yderst dedikeret medicin kvinde, hvor hun kobler det fineste bånd mellem hendes professionalisme, visdom & passion. Eva Maria er inspirerende & byder velkommen til autentisk nærvær med dig selv, andre & planterne. Eva Maria besidder en viden, som sjældent findes udenfor Perus jungle, så det er en gave, at Eva Maria har valgt at bringe sin dybe visdom & sit klare lys med til Danmark, så vi har mulighed for at lære af hende. Når Eva Maria holder rum er det med et roligt & groundende sind. Hun møder dig i øjenhøjde & jeg har kun følt mig mødt & holdt. Eva Maria får mine kærligste & varmeste anbefalinger. At møde Eva Maria & lade hende guide dig i en enkelt ceremoni eller et længere forløb er en transformerende investering i dit liv. Af hjertet tak, Eva Maria”
Sanne Kaiser
“Jeg har deltaget i flere af Mightytrees ceremonier. Og det vil jeg forsætte med.
Eva og Stephan har en fin kontakt med planeten og med planterne. De er dygtige til at guide ceremonien, og understøtter med viden, guidet meditation, musik og sang – en meget smuk oplevelse. Ceremonien foregår med stor respekt for de planter, som vi arbejder med. Og så tæt på naturen som muligt, måske starter vi udendørs omkring et bål, alt efter vejr og vind. Vi forbinder os med planten ved at drikke den. Det kan være kakao med chili eller andre planter, der indgår i ceremonien og vi viser dem respekt og beder dem hjælpe os med at komme i kontakt.
Vi afslutter med at spise lidt snack sammen og dele vores oplevelser (sharing). Her fremgår det, at vi har haft meget forskellige oplevelser. En ting er at selve ceremonien er en smuk oplevelse, hvor man ofte kommer godt i kontakt med sine følelser, men ofte kommer man hjem med mere ro, inspiration og en dejlig følelse af samhørighed. Måske lyder musikken lidt smukkere, skoven friskere og glæden føles større. Jeg får som regel et eller flere budskaber. Senest hvor jeg kom med en bekymring for Ukraine var budskabet ”have faith”.”
Maya Maria Raunsholt
“At være hos Eva har været forløsende og nærende på alle punkter! Både energitisk, kropsligt og mentalt!
Jeg har følt mig holdt og Eva har en fantastik måde at “tage en i hånden” og mærke ens energi og derfra understøtte processen. Jeg oplevede at være i et rum uden nogen form for forcering… uden at det hele var bygget helt fast op på forhånd, et rum hvor der var plads til udfoldelse.. jeg var ligeså meget medskabende og det var så dejligt.
Det har været nærende for mig og min proces at være med i et ceremonielt rum og benytter min stemme.. det gav mig og mine følelser det tryghed der skulle til for at udtrykke mig uden nogen som helst begrænsninger! Det var forløsende på en plan jeg ikke helt havde forventet! Det vil jeg kalde som healende!”

Birch Dietas / Quest
“Thank you. I have recently experienced/been on a dieta with Eva and Stephan and words cannot describe what it has done to me. I don’t even want to try but one thing I can say is that I stand naked now and closer to my true essence. It’s all about integration now. It takes time and I’m also “just” a human trying to do the best I can. But I’m on my way cleaning out of attachments and extracting hardness from strength. I stand stronger now with more authority towards myself. But it’s now easy but who said it should be easy. I thank you for your words and I thank you both for the devine work you do. See you next year 💖”
Birch Dieta 2022 - Nicole
“Mine forventninger var store, og de blev alle indfriet, og mere til.
At finde roen, at gå ned i tempo og være i naturen.Faste, og komme endnu dybere og mærke vibrationerne fra planterne og træerne.
Dedikere sig til stilhed, naturen og plantemedicin i mange varianter.
Læringen omkring plantemedicinen, mapacho, Aqua de florida, Birketræet og Icaros, fik bundet det hele sammen.Kan varmt anbefale Mightytree til dem der vil dykke dybt, lære og blive inspireret.
Jeg integrere stadigvæk nu her et halvt år senere, og holder min samhørighed med Birketræet ved lige.
Aho”Birch Dieta 2022 - Brian
“The birch wisdom quest was a great adventure (deep, tough and rewarding) with two dedicated and authentic facilitators who together — with spirit in their hands — created a space where two very special and meaningful weeks of my life unfolded.”
Birch Wisdom Quest 2020 - Hannibal
“Two weeks in the deep Swedish forest with traditional Peruvian Shipibo-tribe knowledge in combination with good old and solid Scout’s cleverness — a wisdom quest to connect with the Birch tree guided by two natural talents and passionate Nature-explorers. I had the beautiful and demanding experience of a wisdom quest arranged and facilitated by Eva and Stephan/ Mighty Tree in August 2020. In the forest among irresistibly juicy Blueberry bushes and with the rising sun over the lake to the east, we put up our Camp in which we were going to dive deeply into our own beings the next two weeks. I was excited, skeptical and in love. The two weeks were a cacophonous experience of conflicting feelings, thoughts and emotions. I wanted to be there — I wanted to learn, to meditate, to go deep, to see and “get something” or to “get somewhere”. And I also just wanted to go back home…back to my new love. Water fasting and then dry fasting. Then going into ceremony in traditional Shipibo-dogma-jungle-fashion. Smoke all around from the strong jungle Tobacco, Mapacho, and the well-known ceremonial smell of the fine, sacred-wood, Palo Santo. My skeptical mind prevented me from letting go. I was too occupied with everything going on around me and my longing for being with my love. This inner conflict kept going for almost the entire two weeks. Every day we connected to the Birch tree by drinking extracts from the Birch’s root, stem, bark and leaves. Eva gave elaborate classes on the Shipibo language and the multidimensional purpose of the medicine songs called “Icaros,” and she wrote personalized poetic and practical compositions for us to practice. Stephan helped us with his talented craftsmanship to carve our own Birch pipes and collected herbs to mix a tobacco blend for us to smoke. I learned a lot about Shipibo those two weeks. Knowledge acquired in the jungle and interpreted by Eva and Stephan by adjusting to the Nordic nature and possibilities.
Thank you. This was truly a meaningful experience.”Birch Wisdom Quest 2020 - Sofie

“Eva and Stephan understand and use the forces of nature on a deep sensory level. They incorporate the dimensions of nature in everything they do, and create a space of meaning, security and coherence. Their beautiful sound universe arises through the use of song and drums and is part of the whole in which they create this magical healing universe. Their retreats are performed with deep respect for the individual simultaneously creating an experience of cohesion between the participants and the world around us. I have each time left with a total sense of Gratitude, Peace and Love.
Thank you.”Autumn Retreat 2020 — Josephine
“Eva and Stephan are such beautiful souls, with a great capacity for creating spaces for deep healing to happen. Weavers of ancient traditions — the energy they create on the retreat is both down to earth and playful, and the space they hold is strong and secure. It is clear that they have been blessed with great teachers and this allows them to offer such a rich array of work. I love the way they blend Amazonian Shamanism, European Herbalism and Pagan traditions together to create something grounded and digestible for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. Their background in counseling and Eco Therapy also bring a truly therapeutic quality to the work, which again allows for the experience to be rooted and tangible. My experience with Eva and Stephan felt like a strong reconnection with nature — both to my inner nature and to the wild nature growing on my doorstep! The effects of the weekend we shared have been slowly rippling out into the rest of my life. The connections shared with others over the weekend really touches my heart and helped to refill my inner reservoirs of inspiration and faith. Thank you guys!”
Autumn Retreat 2020 — Esther
Jeg har deltaget i flere af Mightytrees ceremonier. Og det vil jeg forsætte med.
Eva og Stephan har en fin kontakt med planeten og med planterne. De er dygtige til at guide ceremonien, og understøtter med viden, guidet meditation, musik og sang – en meget smuk oplevelse.
Ceremonien foregår med stor respekt for de planter, som vi arbejder med. Og så tæt på naturen som muligt, måske starter vi udendørs omkring et bål, alt efter vejr og vind.
Vi forbinder os med planten ved at drikke den. Det kan være kakao med chili eller andre planter, der indgår i ceremonien og vi viser dem respekt og beder dem hjælpe os med at komme i kontakt. Vi afslutter med at spise lidt snack sammen og dele vores oplevelser (sharing). Her fremgår det, at vi har haft meget forskellige oplevelser. En ting er at selve ceremonien er en smuk oplevelse, hvor man ofte kommer godt i kontakt med sine følelser, men ofte kommer man hjem med mere ro, inspiration og en dejlig følelse af samhørighed. Måske lyder musikken lidt smukkere, skoven friskere og glæden føles større. Jeg får som regel et eller flere budskaber. Senest hvor jeg kom med en bekymring for Ukraine var budskabet ”have faith””.Hawthorn Ceremony, 2022 — Maya
“Ceremonies with Stephan and Eva are one of the greatest experiences ever. From the very beginning until after the ceremony, they make sure you feel prepared, safe and as much at home as you can, which is super important. Just the energy that both have and how they connect to each other is super powerful. The location was beautiful and brought a peaceful environment to the ceremony, highly recommended. Stephan has a unique way of being present even when he isn’t talking — he can hold you in a distant and beautiful way. Eva brings a more soft and warm vibe that invites you to let go and just embrace what you are moving towards. The program as a whole was very on point, nothing to add or to remove, everything that was planned had a meaning for the ceremony.”
Winter retreat 2019 — Fransisca
“To be surrounded by feminine energy for 3 days was surprisingly touching. It helped me in my process of understanding my own way of being a woman. Our group of women ranged in age from 30- to 60-years-old. We played, laughed, cried, talked and where silent. I was surprised by the safe room we created together in such a short time. It made me think and speak directly from my heart. Thank you for creating this important life experience for us.”
Female Samhain retreat 2020 — Mette
“I had very little knowledge beforehand on men's work, etc., so I didn't know what to expect. But I can say that I was definitely not disappointed. I loved the combination of a casual atmosphere in which there was no overly religious approach to the things we did, while at the same time the work was taken very seriously. The different aspects of the weekend went in different directions, but for me they made a very coherent journey with an opportunity to work progressively and reflectively with my intentions.”
Men’s Journey 2020 — Lars
“When my girlfriend showed me the event 'Men’s journey', I had no doubt that it was a journey I wanted to take. I have had several powerful and life-transforming ceremonies. But what really made this particular journey interesting was the opportunity to work with other men to physically and emotionally play through and release some of the traumatic goods I carry around. Also, the breathwork part was very attractive. My experiences from the weekend far exceeded my expectations. Mirco’s work on family constellation was outstanding. It was not many seconds before I cried, shouted and fought in the field of loving and strong hands. Can you imagine any better way to process your intended intentions, prior to tonight's journey? I do not think so. Klaus made sure we were warmed up with chi gong and breathwork, which felt great in the body. Like meditation, the awareness of the strength of one's breathing is a great help in everyday life. Stephan led the ceremony in the most beautiful way. The medicine songs were delivered powerfully and effectively. In between these icaros, Klaus sang and made music in the most captivating way. It was so beautiful. I can warmly recommend 'Men’s journey' with these three masters.”
Men’s Journey 2020 — Jens

Noya Rao Dieta - Peru
“Eva and Stephan are beautiful, loving, and caring individuals full of knowledge, experience and light. The atmosphere they create together made me feel very calm, safe, and full of trust from the beginning on (even though the first meetings were just via zoom). Whenever a question came up they were happy to help out, send me information, share their knowledge, and helped to prepare myself for the time in the jungle.
The noya rao dieta with maestro Don Rono was truly one of the most profound experiences I ever had. Don Rono's camp is held in a very traditional way without any electricity, running water, or showers which creates a perfect place to fully focus on the dieta. The camp is surrounded by a beautiful jungle which is full of life and all the master plants you can diet. Meditating in the dawn and listening to all the birds and jungle sounds of the early morning was a very magical morning routine of mine which I miss a lot.
Don Rono is truly a master of his kind. He is always happy to share his knowledge to explain and translate the icaros and to help each participant in his process. His knowledge about all the different plants, their healing power, and the icaros seems endless and I could not imagine an any better teacher for this journey. During the whole dieta, Don Rono gave classes about the different icaros, their meaning, and how to use them to navigate through the ceremonies in which we had the possibility to practice singing the icaros from the very beginning.
I tried to focus on my own as much as possible during the three weeks of dieta but Eva and Stephan were always there to support me in difficult situations, had answers for arising questions, or helped with simple language difficulties. I’m more than grateful for all their support not only during the dieta but also during the preparation and integration process. As this was the first dieta in my life without any previous experiences of ceremonies with this kind of medicine I was very grateful for all the support I received from Eva and Stephan. I couldn’t imagine a better introduction to this magical world of plant spirits and healing energies and even though everyone is on his own journey during the dieta I felt like having two very wise and experienced guides on my side all the time.
Thank you two for all your support, your caring, your love, and your guidance! You are very beautiful and special human beings and I hope to cross your way sooner than later again <3”
Noya Rao Dieta 2022 - Markus
“Doing the Noya Rao dieta with Maestro Don Rono, Stephan and Eva was single-handedly THE MOST PROFOUND EXPERIENCE of my entire life. I could not have had a better experience dieting Noya Rao anywhere else and most definitely I could not have been happier with my experience with the incredible Eva and Stephan. I highly recommend doing the dieta with the Maestro, Eva and Stephan. And trust me, you will not be disappointed, and you are in safe hands.
The maestro takes immense care of each person who is dieting, lavishing us with plenty of individual attention. Every day after dusk, the maestro serves the Agua Cristallina (Noya Rao diet water) with reverence, blessings and prayers in a quiet, serene maloka. We also made visits to Mother Noya Rao in the night where she transforms the entire surroundings into one of awe and respect, especially the ground where her leaves glow like millions of stars in the darkest night. The maestro teaches icaros catering to individual needs based on whether the dieters are beginners, intermediate or advanced in their plant medicine journey. He also gives lectures about the different plants and guides everyone expertly into understanding the inner workings of the dieta.
During the ceremony nights, everyone gets to practice singing the icaros. During ceremonies, the presence of Eva and Stephan, their powerful individual and combined energies and their healing power provided by their singing definitely strengthened my diet, my experience and enhanced opening up my portals into the dimensions of plant consciousness. My singing voice really opened up during the ceremonies, and I could feel the intense power of the diet energy guiding me towards many blessings from the medicinal plant world.”Noya Rao Dieta 2019 — Kannikha
“Eva and Stephan are a kind and responsible duo — they are full of knowledge, serious shamanic apprentices who are devoting their lives to the plant path, and the perfect people to help lead you through this magical world.”
Noya Rao Dieta 2019— Magdalen