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Mooncircle Female Retreat - Kraft, saft og kreativitet (double ceremony)

The mooncircle (Månecirklen) is a celebration of the divine feminine and centers around sisterhood, authenticity, playfulness, being present and connected to Mother Earth. Through plant medicine, nature, movement and sound we explore, express and liberate our inner being. We will gather together, in presence with each other, Mother Earth and the plant spirits.

Our theme for this 4-days retreat is “Kraft, saft og kreativitet” (power, juice and creativity) and is all about standing in our own power, with everything that we are. Being juicy, free and blossoming with creativity as we, like the spring, cast of the layers of winter and grow towards the sun!

Retreat days includes

  • 2 Plant-guided meditation ceremonies

  • 1 drum/dream journey

  • Body, movement and sound exploration

  • Talks and sharing circles

  • Nature explorations and nature meditations

  • Integration-talk and workshop

  • Clean, organic vegan food

Opportunity for adding

  • Therapeutically preparation session of approx. 3 hours before the retreat in nature (Nature therapy)

  • Therapeutically integration session of approx. 3 hours after the retreat in nature (Nature therapy)

To support and strengthen your work with opening up, grounding and integrating wisdom and healing from your experience with plant medicine, we offer the opportunity to go a step deeper and include a preparation session and a integration session afterwards. Both sessions will be made as therapeutic nature walks – as the outer nature mirrors our inner nature, we deepen our understanding of ourselves: our shadows as well as our light.

Alternatively we offer

  • one hour “short and sweet” preparation- and integration talk online

Here we focus mainly on the practicalities of the preparation/integration process as well as supporting you in whatever you need at that moment.

If this is your first time journeying with Eva and/or Nala, we would like to know you a little better in order to support you the best way possible. Therefore a preparation session will be mandatory.

Your Price and Registration

The price for the retreat is 4200* kr. inclusive accommodation
Opportunity for adding:

  • 3 hour therapeutic preparation and/or integration session in nature 900 kr. per session

  • 1 hour preparation and/or integration session online 350 kr per session

It is possible to pay in several rates.

Write us on and/or and we will send you more information about the registration process.

*If you feel a strong call to join but money is a challenge - write us and let’s see if we can find a solution together.

Terms and conditions

19 March

Spring Equinox Retreat

18 April

Voice Releasing Group Workshop