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Spring Equinox Retreat

(This retreat is full)

Join us for an intimate retreat close to nature at the Spring Equinox, where we guide you through a deep inner journey back towards your true self.

This is the time when the land flowers and come to live again, and when the days and nights are of equal length. Equinoxes are the only two times a year that the Sun rises due east and sets due west for all of us on Earth!

With 3 participants the retreat is centered around one plant guided ceremony with traditional jungle medicine, one shamanic drum journey and a vapor bath. This is an opportunity to dive into the depths of your being, heal the roots of your traumas and find the deep strength that lies at your core.

This retreat includes:

  • A plant guided meditation ceremony with traditional jungle medicine

  • A shamanic drum journey

  • A vapor bath (steam bath with medicinal plants)

  • A Trauma Release session

  • Nature meditations and nature practices

  • Talks and sharing circles

  • Integration talk and workshop

  • Yoga / grounding practices

  • Clean, organic vegan food

Preparation Sessions:

To support and strengthen your work with opening up, grounding and integrating wisdom and healing from your experience with plant medicine, we offer the opportunity to go a step deeper and include a preparation session and a integration session afterwards.

Online preparation and integration sessions

If you travel with us for the first time, we will have a 1 hour online preparation session with you prior to the retreat and 1 hour online integration session afterwards. In the preparation session we will get to know each other better and together co-create the best possible preparation process for this retreat. This type of preparation session is also beneficial for recurrent participants.

Preparation and integration sessions in nature

We are excited to be offering the opportunity to deepen this work even further with a package of 2×3 hours shamanic nature therapy preparation and integration sessions before and after the retreat in nature. Both sessions will be made as therapeutic nature walks – as the outer nature mirrors our inner nature, we deepen our understanding of ourselves: our shadows as well as our light. They will be a creative and therapeutic process in nature diving deeper into your personal development and using nature as a space for introspection. 

Your registration, price and more Information

The price for the retreat itself is 2450 kr.* including accommodation.


  • 1400 kr. for two shamanic nature therapy sessions (3hr preparation + 3h integration)

  • Or 550 kr. for online 1hr preparation + 1hr integration session (mandatory for first timers)

Write us to and we will send you more information about the event and the registration process.

*If you feel a strong call to join but money is a challenge - write us and let’s see if we can find a solution together.

Terms and conditions

17 March

Integration Circle // Plant Vapor Bath

8 April

Mooncircle Female Retreat - Kraft, saft og kreativitet (double ceremony)