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Samhain Retreat

Together, let’s celebrate and explore this time of transition. Samhain marks the end of the harvest, the end of the summer-half and beginning of the winter-half of the year. We are entering times of less sun which also opens up the spiritsworlds - a time where the veil between the worlds are thin. As much as we during the summer have looked to growing big towards the sun now is the time to turn our gaze inwards and downwards towards our roots.

This retreat can be an opportunity for marking your own transition, for bringing things to an end and starting something new. It is an opportunity to connect to what already is within and around us and make space for the transition, the medicine that this time of year offer us.

We are happy to be sharing this 4-days Samhain retreat, diving deeper into nature together. The retreat will journey towards a shamanic Samhain ceremony saturday evening with European plants, singing, drumming, darkness as well as light and fire. Together, we will celebrate, honour and explore this transition.

This retreat will have room for 6-7 participants and include 2 plant guided meditation ceremonies, ceremonial cacao, plant treatments, plant vaporbath/sauna, shamanic nature practices and rituals in nature.


We will be in a summerhouse out in nature and once we have confirmation on the place we will put up the official price.

As always if money is a challenge, write us and we will see what we together can figure out. It is also possible to pay in several rates.


We invite you all to have this retreat as part of a longer process. One possibility for this is to include preparation and/or integration sessions with cacao.

These sessions are meant to support and strengthen your work with opening up, grounding and integrating the wisdom and healing from your experience, allowing you to take a step deeper into your inner and outer nature.

The sessions can become a reflective room, a breathing space for you to reflect on your journey, to dive deeper into your current state and support your direction in life - bridging the magic of the forest and the ceremonies with everyday life.

You can book a 3hr session in nature, cacao ceremonies or alternatively, we we can meet “short and sweet” in an 1hr online session.


If you are curious about the retreat, more information or have questions, you are welcome to contact us.

6 October

New moon Cacao Ceremony (Herning)

4 November

Roots and Earth - New moon Cacao Ceremony