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Men’s Journey (single ceremony) Frankfurt Germany

Who are you as a man?
How does manhood manifest in your life

What are your limitations?
In your day to day life and the roles you take.

What can you do?
Take responsibility and look into it.

The time is now!
Join us for a weekend designed for man’s work.

With max. 6 men near Frankfurt (main) we will be having one ceremony with traditional jungle medicine, one individual shadow work / family constellation and a breath work session.

Three facilitators – three paths – three opportunities

Mirco will guide you through the work with your shadows with family constellations, Gestalt and Bioenergetics into your topics and will give you the opportunity to open up, heal and transform. Menswork, family constellations and shadow work is based on C.G. Jung’s archetypes.

Born 1978, married and father of three boys. Initiated New Warrior, Kundalini yoga teacher, mentor, DIY’er and IT pro. He has over 10 years experience in personal development (working with all kinds of mentors and teachers), men’s work, coaching and meditation.

Stephan will guide you through the ceremony, which can be a powerful change in your life – to step out of trauma and drama. It is an opportunity to listen to your body, emotions and soul in order to empower and heal yourself.

Born in 1976, design engineer and more than 10 years of exierience as shamanic practitioner. He studied curanderismo in the Shipibo tradition. Currently he is holding ceremonies and retreats in the Peruvian jungle and Europe.

Klaus will give you in his breath work session tools you can take home and use in your everyday life, but also help you enter into and navigate the ceremony. From the numerous methods, with which you can influence your autonomic nervous system and energetic flow, this workshop will give you some of the ground principles to use the breath as a tool to develop and grow.

Born 1970, musician, breathworker, trauma therapist and sailor. He has 20 years of meditation practice (mainly Buddhist but lately also other traditions), a BA in Tibetan language and culture, and works as a nurse assistant in psychiatric wards.

Our Program

We begin on Friday afternoon with a share circle and the first men’s work processes. During Saturday we will have a breathwork session, more men’s work and the ceremony in the night. The Sunday program will lead you out of your process with more men’s work, an integration workshop and a share-circle to be ready to go back home in the afternoon.

Sites and meals 

Just outside of Frankfurt, in the countryside, we will be in a house at the edge of the fields, with a 10 minute walk to the forest and a 15 minute walk to the train station. The accommodation will be a simple group bedding in a room connected to the workshop-/ceremony-room.

For the retreat we will commit to the plant medicine -diet (no salt, fat, dairy, meat). As we want to give you the best opportunity to dive into your depths, we offer a simple dinner on Friday, a breakfast and a midnight snack after the ceremony on Saturday and a Brunch on Sunday.

Your Registration, Price and more Information

Within the price of 500 € all meals and accommodation is included.

Write us to and we will send you more information about the event and the registration process.

Terms and condition

18 April

Voice Releasing Group Workshop

26 May

Shamanic Cacao Ceremony