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January Retreat (single ceremony)

This retreat is full. Contact us for waiting list

Join our intimate retreat close to nature, where we guide you through a deep inner journey back towards your true self.

With max. 5 participants this retreat centers one plant guided ceremony with traditional jungle medicine, one shamanic drum journey and a vapor bath. This is an opportunity to dare to dive into the depths of your being, heal the roots of your traumas and find the deep strength that lies at your core.

This retreat includes:

  • 1 Plant guided meditation ceremony with traditional jungle medicine

  • 1 Drum Journey

  • 1 Trauma Release session

  • Nature meditations and nature practices

  • Talks and sharing circles

  • Integration talk and workshop

  • Yoga / grounding practices

  • Clean, organic vegan food

  • 1 hour private online preparation session 1-2 weeks before the ceremony

  • 1 hour private integration session (online or in nature) 2-3 weeks after the retreat

Opportunity for adding:

We are excited to also be offering the opportunity to deepen this work even further a package of 2×3 hours shamanic nature therapy and preparation and integration sessions before and after the retreat in nature.

Both sessions will be a creative and therapeutic process in nature.

Your registration, price and more Information

The price for the retreat itself is 2800 kr. including accommodation.
The retreat including 2×3 hours shamanic nature therapy preparation and integration session is 4000 kr.

Write us to and we will send you more information about the event and the registration process.

Terms and conditions

15 January

New Year Retreat (double ceremony)

17 March

Integration Circle // Plant Vapor Bath