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Sweatlodge - In the Temple of Grace

  • Retreatcenter Lykkebo Vig, 4560 Denmark (map)

Mother Earth Sweatlodge

Join us for a life-affirming ceremony around the fire and in the darkness of the sweat lodge.

Let's give thanks to life through our prayers, through our songs and words, drums and sweat in an ancient ceremony. Let's call upon the Temple of Grace to remember the beautiful way of loving interaction with the world. Let's call upon our ancestors for guidance in the womb of the sweatlodge, offering mugwort and tobacco to unite the new and old worlds in harmony.

Bring your sorrows and lay them on the altar together with your offerings - to name and to overcome your obstacles, to open up and receive what is given. Help others with your presence and be held by the group for four rounds in the dark, with hot stones and steam, songs and prayers for a new life.

We sweat

In four rounds we sweat together with our loved ones to give thanks to creation. With prayers for all that exists and with humble surrender to the greater answer, we receive what we need through the medicine of our ancestors, through the elements, through all aspects of Great Spirit and Mother Nature.
We sweat for the reconnection of our minds to the greater fabric of life, for the cleansing of our bodies, for the healing of our loved ones - to create sacred pathways of life from darkness to light.

Who can come

Feel free to arrive with your family, your children and/or your partner. We welcome all to build the altair, the lodge and the fire. During the ritual - as soon the stones are ready, the ceremonial space is mainly for the once participating. All others can be there in silence with a helpful spirit in mind.

For the once who cannot be in ceremony there is also space in the center with kitchen / living room, a joint sleeping room, a separate comunnity wagon to hang out and to rest.

We are welcoming the young - togehter with someone they trust.
We are welcoming the feminin - within all stages of the moon
We are welcoming the masculine - for its renewal through a heroes journey

Please be aware

If you have a heart and/or lung disease we may refuse your participation inside the lodge, to put no additional stress to your heart. Please contact us if this is the case for you!

As we will be naked inside of the lodge, we ask you to wear as much you need and as less you dare.

Your Contribution

This is a community event and therefore we ask you to bring


Bring snacks if you arrive early and something to share for the Potluck-Breakfast on Saturday.


Bring one or two thick blankets which will be part of the loge (you will get them back, but you might need to wash them)


If you feel the call to be in service for this ceremony, please let us know! We still need a Fire-wo/man and someone who wants to cock a light meal for the dinner after the Sweatlodge.


To pay for the center, the firewood and other costs, we ask you to contribute with 660 DKK

Our Background

Read more about the Sweatlodge, the ritual and our lineage

The Program

We start Friday, 29th of September with the preparations and the Sweatlodge in the evening and finish after a joint breakfast and clean-up on Saturday, 30th of September.

Please be aware that the hours are only aproximately


  • 12h we open the space for your help in the preparation

  • 16h the ritual starts with lighting the fire

  • 22h the ritual ends with some food and fruits around the fire


  • 10h Potluck Breakfast

  • 12h Sharing circle

  • 14h Goodbye


Write an email to or fill out the form below to get one of the 12 available sports

With love

Stephan and Eva

16 August

Cacao Cook-Along

3 October

Mugwort Initiation