Dear lovely people,
Join us around the blooming hawthorn tree (hvidtjørn) in Boserup skov, Roskilde. On this new moon evening we'll meet in nature, in prayer and connect to nature.
This ceremony is in the sign of the amazing Hawthorn (Hvidtjørn) where we will drink fresh plant medicine of this amazing tree.
In ancient traditions the hawthorn is seen as the gatekeeper to the fairy kingdom, healer for the broken heart and mother of sleep. Even nowadays it is well known for its potent medicine for the heart.
This evening will be in the sign of the heart - supported by plant medicine for the heart - with Hawthorn (Hvidtjørn) as well as the loving spirit of cacao.
Guided by the plants, acoustic music and the energy of the new moon we will gather for a shamanic journey inwards.
This is an opportunity for giving yourself a pause, a rest, a little oasis of medicine with whatever you need at that moment in the soft embrace of the spirit of cacao, singing and the shamanic drum.
Every new moon we are hosting a ceremony to connect to a local plant / tree. Supported by ceremonial cacao we guide you through a shamanic treatment to e.g. overcome stress, anxiety.
During the new moon, the sky is the darkest, making it a perfect time to look inwards and for new beginnings. These are ceremonies to connect with yourself, each other and mother earth.
The Program
Welcoming circle
Intention setting
Hawthorn ritual and prayer
Sound journey with cacao
Sharing circle
Potluck snack
We will close the evening with a potluck snack (sammenskudsgilde med snacks), so remember to bring some goodieness to share as a gift with the group.
A Hawthorn tree in bloom
More about Hawthorn (Hvidtjørn)
In times not so far back, it was one of the sacred plants of the hedges, the outskirts of the settlements. Planted to protect and mark the transition into another world, where behind the hedge the wild animals and spirits are living. Our ancestors believed in its healing properties for the heart - a tree so mighty as to even heal a broken heart.
It was known as a protector against evil spells and its elixir drunken to ease into sleep (to enter the dream world). It was seen as a door to the fairy kingdom and therefore a bad omen to cut down especially the wild grown, solitude trees. Like every rose it was as symbol and therefore medicine of showing the beauty of the flower (the heart), while being protected by the thorns.
More about the ceremony
The ceremony will take place outdoors around a Hawthorn tree. It is a shamanic ceremony centered around a Hawthorn ritual and an intuitive cacao meditation where we allow nature to facilitate the flow.
The evening will be a mixture of meditation, shamanic sound/drum-journey, relaxation, prayers, singing and much more. This is an opportunity to listen inwards in whichever way is comfortable and right for you.
Our soundscape is 100% acoustic where we work through singing, drumming, rattles, harmonium, guitar, singing bowls and other instruments.
There is nothing you have to do, no specific way you have to be or preform during the ceremony. Come as you are with all that you are.
Practicalities and price
What to bring
A cup for the cacao
Warm clothes
Something to sit/lay on (fx. yogamat + meditationpillow)
full water bottle
something for the potluck (sammenskudsgilde)
something for the alter
The price for the ceremony have three price ranges to accommodate those with limited income as well as those with abundance to support others;
General price; 660 kr. per person
Support price; 440 kr. per person; for those with limited income
Abundance price; 880 kr. per person; for those in a place of abundance who feel called to help with support for the lower price
*Your payment is hold as a deposit and fully refundable until 2 weeks prior to the event. Later only, if we can find a replacement for your spot.
We'll be in Boserup Forest outside of Roskilde. It is possible to be picked up at Roskilde st.
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