A journey to connect and to receive the teachings of the mighty Birch.
Join us for a deep dive into nature with
14 days Birch Dieta,
8 days PlantQuest or
6 days Healing retreat
The main spirit we will be working with, is the Birch tree. Write us if you feel the call for other plants/trees.
It is also possible to Diet/Quest the Pine Tree.
Relationships with plants
Together we will venture into the Swedish wilderness to receive the deep wisdom of nature - within and around us.
We support you in developing a conscious, intentional, rich, respectful, meaningful and spiritual relationship with Mother Nature.
Relationship with the Birch
Guided by the Birch tree, this PlantQuest / Dieta is an opportunity for self-discovery, taking a step deeper into plant medicine, nature and the channeling and sharing of plant energy. It is about opening up to receive, channel and connect.
Nature is one with Source. Through meditation and solitude, fasting, minimizing stimuli and being fully present in Mother Nature, you can reconnect and deepen your connection to the Source of all living beings.
The Birch is a powerful gateway, a Nordic master plant. It can lead you through your shadows into the light, offering deep insight and growth. This teacher plant has profound depth and wisdom - it will teach you what you need.
“The greatest challenge in connecting with plants is to get out of our own way so that we can hear & receive their teachings”.
- Mighty Tree
Plant Quest or Plant Dieta?
Both are about cultivating a deep relationship with a plant (at a time), having it as a teacher & spiritual guide in your life and work. The plant supports you on your life journey and also shares it's teachings, (spiritual) medicine and energy with you - for you to share and help others.
The main difference between a PlantQuest and a Dieta is that a Dieta follows the structure, system and tradition of the Shipibo - in our case the Mahua-Lopez lineage. A Dieta comes from a tradition that we want to honor in its tradition, culture, heritage and the people who initiated us. This also means that we only call it a dieta with the permission of our indigenous Shipibo maestro, Don Rono Lopez.
Dieta means to us to carry medicine and wisdom within ourselves and to share it with others. It is through this deep practice that one studies the path of becoming a curandero/a (plant shaman/healer). Therefore, the process comes with more commitment, while the focus is on gathering the healing energy of the plant.
A PlantQuest is Nordic at it's core, but is also a practice that draws deep inspiration from a diet. It is taught to us by the Birch tree and therefore has a different heritage and energy than a Dieta. It is usually shorter (3-7 days), while the focus is more on connection and personal development/vision.
If you enter into a relationship with a plant through a PlantQuest - you'll marry it in the Dieta!
The program
14 days Birch Dieta: 24th of July to 07th of August
3 days of plant treatments & preparation + 9 days of Dieta + 2 days of integration
with 4 plant guided meditation ceremonies.
The first days of the program are "cleansing days" with herbal treatments, classes and preparation. Then, initiated by the first plant-guided ceremony, we'll begin the Dieta with three days of silence, fasting and solitude. The following week will be spent mostly in your own camp in communion with the Birch and in ceremonies and classes with the group.
We will teach you more about ceremonial and shamanic work, giving you a solid foundation for your Birch connection. In addition, Eva will write personalized medicine songs / icaros for you, while Stephan will work on ceremonial tools.
Price: 12000 kr.
8 days PlantQuest: 24th of July to 1st of August
3 days of plant treatments & preparation + 3 days of Quest + 2 day of integration
with 2 plant guided meditation ceremony
Like the Dieta, we begin with 3 days of treatments, classes and preparation. The core of the Quest is the 3 days of silence, fasting and solitude. The Quest begins and ends with plant-based meditation ceremonies. Afterwards you'll have 2 days of integration at the camp.
Price: 8000 kr.
6 days Birch Healing Retreat: 24th to 30st of July
4 days of plant treatments + 1 day Quest ‘Udesidning’ + 1 day of integration
with 1 plant guided meditation ceremony
As with the other programs, we begin with 3 days of treatments, classes and preparation. The focus of this retreat is on treatment and healing with and through Birch. Through herbal treatments and a herbal meditation ceremony, we offer the opportunity for deep inner healing. This culminates in a Nordic "Udesidning" - sitting alone in nature from sunset to sunrise in communion with nature - and in this case, the Birch tree.
Price: 6000 kr.
Eva Maria at the lake, Birch Dieta, August 2022
Preparation & Integration
In order to support and strengthen your work with opening, grounding and integrating the wisdom and healing from your experience, we offer the opportunity to include preparation and integration sessions. The whole journey begins with good preparation and ends with integration, where the retreat becomes a transition point. These are opportunities to remember and reconnect, especially by integrating the experience into "normal" life.
If you're new to Dietas/Quests and have never been on a journey with us, a preparation and integration session is mandatory.
Online Practicality talk: 12th of July
Birch Dieta: 24th of July - 7th of August
Birch PlantQuest: 24 - 31st of July
Birch Healing Retreat: 24 -29th of July
Online Integration Circle: 29th of August
We invite all participants to arrive on day earlier to settle into the camp properly before beginning the program. If you already have a Birch Dieta with us, it is possible to tailor the program for you even further.
Prices (including online practicality talk & online Integration circle)
Birch Healing Retreat: 6.000kr
Birch Quest: 8.000 kr.
Birch Dieta: 12.000kr.
* It is possible to pay in several rates.
* If you feel a strong call to join but money is a challenge - write us and let’s see, what solution we can find together.
* Your application starts with sending us a 40% deposit, it is fully refundable up until 4 weeks prior to the program - later only if we can find another person to take your spot.
More details in our Terms and conditions
We will be in a Swedish forest about 3 hours drive from Copenhagen. It is completely out in the forest without electricity etc.
Drive with your own car, with other participants or come by train to be picked up by us.
If you feel the call to join us, us the from below or send an email to connect@mightytree.dk. We will then have an online conversation to get to know each other, hear your intention and feel the energy. You will fill out our application form, and based on that and our conversation, we will initiate the conversation with the birch/pine. We will ask the plant what you need to best prepare and integrate and from this we will suggest a treatment plan prior to the retreat or further preparation/integration sessions.