Shamanic Cacao Facilitator Education
Transformation and deep connection with Cacao and the soul of the forest. Facilitate, navigate and immerse yourself in the mystery of Cacao Medicine in the dance of slowness and presence.
Do you remember the feeling of deep connection with nature and the spirit of the forest as a child? Talking to the flowers and singing with the bees?
This is exactly the magic we unlock in this training.
Stepping back in trust and saying yes to the sweetness of life.
Learn to activate your own healing power and the healing power of Cacao. To work with plant medicine is to enter into a deep relationship with the earth. In humility, respect and reciprocity. Medicine is a gift from the earth and can only be activated and be in its true power when the entire journey from soil - seed - plant - harvest - preparation is done with deep respect for the medicine and spirit of the plant.
Do you also long for a space to immerse yourself in nature?
To connect more deeply with cacao and its magical medicine, wisdom and spirit?
To step out of urgency, performance & stress and back into a deep, nourishing love affair with life?
To connect with nature and to feel, like really feel, the earth beneath your feet?
To remove the noise (inside and outside) and step into slowness, gentleness and have the space to listen and feel properly?
A place where you don't have to do more and more, but actually less and less. With more room for contemplation and staying in the moment?
Being in a community where you can drop your masks and just be you?
Space to listen to the wisdom you already know is inside?
To follow what's immediate, what excites you, what gives you butterflies in your stomach?
Do you feel a calling to sing and open your voice but feel blocked?
An old legend says that when Cacao steps out of the jungle, it's to heal humanity's connection to the earth. The time is now and I can help you awaken and activate your connection to Kakao as sacred medicine.
When was the last time you gave yourself time alone in nature to truly immerse yourself in the spirit of the forest?
Do you dare to let the silence speak...? and go off the beaten path...?
Time with and for yourself.
When was the last time you gave yourself time to be alone? To slow down? To listen deep inside and have time to be with what's coming up, for real?
The time is now. Give yourself the gift of contemplation. Let Cacao be your permission to feel, to be, to listen, and to true, embodied transformation.
You can choose this moment to be the moment you invest in your healing journey, in stepping deeper into your connection to nature and to Cacao.
This training is for those who want to let nature guide you back to the basics. The simple. The natural. Away from technology and into the forest. Back to basics. Simple. Less is more. That place inside where we remove all the excess noise so we can start listening to the whispers of nature within and around us.
... and sometimes time is proportional to depth. Through 10 days in the embrace of nature, you finally get time to step into slowness, into the forest within and around you. In the silence.
Through our relationship with the spirit of nature, deep healing occurs
Centered around a 10-day Cacao Dieta/Quest in retreat deep in the forest, we step together deep into the inner magical forest and connection to nature. Into the slowness, gentleness and loving universe of Cacao.
Supported by a 2-month online training with online material and weekly ceremonies and sessions, you will be well equipped to be a shamanic cacao facilitator. To be able to facilitate ceremonies and rituals with Cacao in your own practice and for your community - all centered around your deep connection to the spirit of the plant.
Let the power of nature flow freely through you and share your gifts with the world deeply supported by the sacred medicine of Cacao.
With Cacao as your teacher and Eva Maria as your guide, you are invited on a 2.5-month immersion into the world of medicine.
An education for immersion into Cacao, nature and your own inner power. This is both a personal healing journey as well as a course in shamanism, plant spirit communication and ceremony facilitation in co-creation with Cacao.
It is through our relationship with the spirit of nature that deep healing happens. Therefore, the training is centered around creating a deep connection to the plant spirit of Cacao through a Cacao Dieta/Quest: To create a nourishing, deep, loving, respectful relationship with cacao (and nature). It is a training in intuition, in listening and understanding the language of plants and through that also our own inner world, as well as being able to awaken, activate and channel this power and share it with the world.
Would you like to learn tools to...
Connect with nature in your everyday life?
Work with cacao for yourself and others?
To activate and navigate the powerful medicine of cacao?
To integrate and embody plant practices in your everyday life?
To train and trust your intuition
Asking nature for advice and understanding the language of nature
Facilitating healing ceremonies with Cacao?
Singing medicine songs with nature and Cacao?
Navigating the world of plant medicine?
Learning the difference between brewing a cup of Cacao and brewing a cup of cacao medicine
Are you already connecting to Cacao in your own practice and feel a budding bubbling desire to share this connection, but don't know where to start? Perhaps you already work with different healing, therapy or body modalities that you dream of co-creating in symphony with Cacao?

"Plants expand our horizons, stretching the possibilities of what is possible in every part of our lives!
They teach us to reach new expanses within ourselves. With the body and senses as clues in an inner landscape, an inner treasure map. Through this course you will learn new tools to curiously explore the inner treasure map together with Cacao."
-Eva Maria
Shamanic Cacao Facilitator
This is an opportunity for a truly special and deep connection to the medicine, wisdom and spirit of Cacao. A connection that can transform your life and your own practice, but also something you can share with your family, your community and in your work/gifts you share with the world. An opportunity to begin or continue your journey with the spirit of Cacao and as a Cacao practitioner.
As a Shamanic Cacao Facilitator, you will act as a guide in the world of Cacao medicine through ceremonies, rituals or experiences - of course based on and in co-creation with what you are good at, what you are passionate about and where your magic lies.
Through the program you will have the knowledge, skills and experience to be able to facilitate Cacao ceremonies/experiences for groups, families, individuals or as workshops. To hold space for healing, transformation and deeper connection to self and the universe in collaboration with the Cacao spirit.
You will learn about creating and maintaining a safe and sacred space where participants can explore and work with different aspects of their personal journey.
You will gain knowledge and feel safe sharing knowledge about Cacao in relation to energy, medicine and the more physical healing aspects of Cacao.
Cacao Magic
Cacao has been used as a sacred plant medicine in rituals, ceremonies and rites of passage in South and Central America for thousands of years. Mama Cacao expands our ability to connect. She amplifies, supports and enables us to strengthen our connection to our heart, our inner wisdom, our true feelings, the moment and the expression of our creativity and physicality. It's a powerful yet gentle healing plant medicine - and very loving!
I hear it time and time again from clients: "It's just different when you brew the cocoa, Eva!". Yes, there is a huge difference between brewing a cup of cocoa and brewing a cup of medicine. Being able to connect and activate to the power of the plant spirit and let its medicine work through you - that's exactly what I want to teach you in this course.
Cacao and Nordic nature
Cacao is a door-opener plant, i.e. a plant that opens the door to worlds; worlds within ourselves of emotions, sensations, energies etc. but also other energies and plant worlds. That's why we work in symphony with cocoa and the Nordic nature right outside our door. Together we work in harmony with Cacao and Nordic nature. This is about Cacao and you in your life, here in the Nordics, here in your world. How Cacao can co-create with and in you.
My invitation
This is an invitation to connect deeper with the nourishing, playful, healthy, loving and powerful medicine of nature within you with Cacao. An invitation to choose the gentle path. The loving path.
Your journey of co-creation with Cacao, and it can be enjoyable. It can be nice. And it can be powerful and healing.
What others are saying
"A special thank you to Eva-Maria for showing me the way to Cacao, for teaching me to really feel Cacao, to lean in and trust and learn that it is possible to learn from this beautiful plant wisdom. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart"
Dea Marcela
"I no longer go to Cacao Ceremonies with anyone other than Eva Maria. Her connection to the plants and the Cacao is something very special. It's just different when she brews the Cacao! The transmissions just go deeper. When we sit together with Cacao, she shares deep, honeyed, feminine, powerful wisdom. She changes my relationship with nature and with Cacao. Eva Maria you are a plant whisperer... "
Lena Dakini
"My relationsship with the medicine profoundly changed after Eva guided me through the process of cooking and sitting with the medicine. Intention and attention is everything! The connection I now feel to Cacao through the ritual of how we honor and activate it has allowed me to receive the profound insights and openings Cacao is here to offer. Eva Is a teacher in the truest form for she guides you back home to your own inner knowing".
Shamanic Cacao Facilitator Education
Cacao Dieta/Quest
The entire program is centered around 10 days in the embrace of the forest in beautiful retreat surroundings near Jyderup, Denmak. Here we will dive into a Cacao Dieta or Cacao Quest.
A Plant Dieta or Quest can be seen as a "Plant Vipassana" - a sacred sanctuary, inner temple where you apprentice with a master plant. Some also see it as a marriage, or merging with a plant. During the Dieta/Quest, you will cultivate your relationship with the plant spirit through fasting, being alone with the plant and nature, silence, meditation and ingesting the plant's extract. The plant spirit will be your teacher and share its wisdom and spiritual medicine with you, teaching you how to raise your consciousness and step deeper into your love story with life.
What's the difference between a Dieta/Quest and drinking Cacao every day?
The difference can be compared to merging and being friends. Being married or being acquaintances. It's one thing to feel the power. But how do we work with it? Cultivate it? Activate it?
Everything comes through relationships. Through creating a relationship with the plant and its spirit. Its spirit. It is through this relationship that it shares its wisdom, its medicine with us.
This Dieta/Quest is also about learning how to activate the medicine of cacao. In fact, that it is medicine - and not just a physical beverage.
Together we will dive in:Cacao's energy, medicine and spirit
Training intuition and the language of nature
Connecting to plant spirits and deep listening
Communication with plant spirits
Shamanic practices and toolsCacao practices
Sacred ceremonies and rituals
Natural medicine
Nature meditations, premonitions and medicine walking
Healing sounds, icaros and medicine songs
Individual plant treatments and sessions
Outdoor seating and medicine walks
Energetic resilience and protection
Incense medicine
And much more...
Online Course
This is all about how to facilitate Cacao ceremonies and share this wonderful medicine with others.
11 Wednesdays from 16-18 we meet online (2 of these are physical Cacao ceremonies together) for a Cacao ritual and conversation about the theme and energy of the day.
Through an online platform, you will have material on each topic to read and watch between each session.
The training is intuitive. This means that we work with intuition and energy. But it also means that I create the training based on a feminine flow, where the order of topics can change and the course is tailored to the students and the flow of the season.
In class, we will dive into topics such as:Creating your own practice with Cacao
Preparing medicine
The power of prayer
What is ceremonial Cacao + the production of Cacao
The history of Cacao
Science and nutrition in Cacao
Plant medicine and communication
The spiritual/energetic and emotional benefits of Cacao
Ceremonies, rituals and experiences with Cacao
Online and physical circles
Safety during ceremony and in space
Integration and integration
and more...
Finally, in the last two sessions, students will facilitate Cacao ceremonies together. We have one together in person and one online.
Through this course you will also gain access to the online material from the Keith's Cacao training and become a certified Keith's Cacao practitioner (if you wish).
Who is Eva Maria?
Eva Maria is a dedicated student of plants. Her super power is listening. She listens to the whispers of the spirit, the plants, the water, the earth, the body and the womb.
Eva Maria is an initiated curandera in the Mahua-Lopez lineage, the Shipibo tradition and has been studying since early 2018. She has lived and worked in the jungle with the master Don Rono Lopez. Every year she returns to the jungle to continue her study of this profound plant medicine tradition. In her practice, she weaves together the medicine of the jungle with the Nordic master plants.
Her background is as an intuitive herbalist, nature therapist, musician, integration coach, design engineer, yoga instructor and voice coach. Together with her partner, she is based in Denmark in their self-built Tinyhouse. Through mightytree.dk they share healing retreats, ceremonies, courses, dietas and plant medicine with Nordic plants. They support people in connecting to the earth beneath their feet and the plants in their garden.
Eva Maria is a wild woman, creative force and dreamer. She lives by the cycle of the moon, the cycle of mother earth and the cycle of her own body. She supports people in listening to the song of nature and their inner song. She opens and expands their voice and inherent connection to spirit. She is currently working on her first album.
What is your investment in your own personal healing journey and training as a Shamanic Cacao Facilitator?
The price for the full program (10 days of Dieta/Quest and online training) is DKK 20,000 incl. VAT.
To reserve your spot for the program, you need to have an initial discovery conversation with Eva Maria + transfer a deposit of DKK 4,500 through our webshop.
The rest of the payment can either be paid in full or split into 3 installments during the fall.
Are you ready to sign up?