Blue Lotus Initiation

8-Week Devotional Journey & 11-Day Pilgrimage to Egypt

Through love, we find devotion.
Through devotion, spirit finds us…

Over the course of 8 weeks, you will be guided into a deep communion with Blue Lotus, a sacred plant of transformation, rebirth, mystery, alignment, and expanded consciousness. To peel away layers of procrastination and let your inner radient temple be the foundation of your life, work and practice. With temple rituals, devotional practices, and ceremonies, you’ll create an inner sanctuary of peace and love, weaving this ancient wisdom into your everyday life.

The journey unfolds

8-Week Devotional Journey
This sacred initiation is more than just a program; it’s a call to step into the divine feminine energy of Blue Lotus. A call towards devotion and commitment on your path as a conscious embodied leader and energyworker in this world. Through a series of weekly (online or in-person) gatherings as well as 11 transformative days in Egypt — you’ll cultivate practices that anchor peace, magic, and deep inner alignment. Think of it as a “Soft Dieta,” where we’ll explore temple rituals, devotional practices, and plant spirit communication to build your inner sanctuary.

With Blue Lotus as your spiritual teacher and Eva Maria as your guide, you’ll embark on an intimate and transformative experience to connect deeply with your essence.

What Awaits You:

  • Twice-Weekly Meetings: We will gather on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sharing practices, ceremonies, and insights. These sessions will be available online or in-person, with replays available.

  • 2 Individual sessions: ceremonies and therapeutic sessions to dive deeper into your connection, blockages and process.

  • Egypt Pilgrimage (11 Days): A powerful and sacred pilgrimage to the ancient temples of Egypt, where we’ll dive even deeper into the mysteries of Blue Lotus.

  • Integration Circles: After the journey, we’ll gather for two integration circles to anchor and embody the teachings.

“No mud - no lotus”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Integration: The Key to Transformation

Just as the lotus flower blooms only after rooting itself in the mud, you’ll explore the alchemy of your inner landscape—embracing light, darkness, and all that lies between. This is a journey of wholeness where every part of you—the flower, the mud, the water—comes together to create something beautiful and sacred.

We will work with transformative practices that allow you to integrate the energy of Blue Lotus into your life, helping you navigate challenges and step into deeper clarity, joy, and abundance.

Through these practices, you’ll strengthen your intuition, heighten your ability to listen to spirit, and deepen your relationship with plant medicine and ancient shamanic wisdom.

Pilgrimage to Egypt: Walking the Ancient Path

For 11 magical days, you’ll be immersed in the sacred temples of Egypt. Together, we will walk the land that holds thousands of years of wisdom and spiritual power. This pilgrimage is an invitation to connect not only with the energy of Blue Lotus but also with the powerful goddesses and energies of ancient Egypt.

Key Temples We Will Visit:

  • Temple of Dandara – Honoring Hathor

  • Temple of Isis – Connect with the great mother Isis

  • Temple of Karnak & Luxor – Temple sites but most importantly visiting the goddess Sekhmet

  • The Great Pyramid of Giza – An experience in one of the most controversial places on Earth.

We’ll explore what the stones, the desert, and the Nile have to offer us, collectively harnessing the power of intention and devotion as we open ourselves to the mysteries these sacred sites hold.

Time for Relaxation: Alongside ceremonies and rituals, there will be moments of stillness to enjoy the beauty of Egypt’s desert, the calming presence of the Nile, and the luxury of your surroundings.

The Blue Lotus Teachings

Why Blue Lotus?
Blue Lotus is a master plant that symbolizes rebirth, consciousness, and transformation. A teacher of both mystery and embodiment. This sacred water lily holds within it the wisdom of both light and shadow, encouraging us to integrate all aspects of ourselves—the beautiful and the challenging. The journey of the lotus, from muddy waters to radiant bloom, reflects our own spiritual path.

Themes We Will Explore:

  • The Flower: Cultivate your divine connection, build an inner sanctuary, and embrace magical rituals with Blue Lotus as your guide.

  • The Stem: Strengthen your connection to spirit, heighten your intuition, and learn the sacred art of plant spirit communication.

  • The Water: Dive into the transformative energy of Blue Lotus, learning water alchemy and allowing this gentle yet powerful teacher to flow through you.

  • The Mud: Embrace the messy, challenging parts of your life, transforming them into the foundation for your growth and healing. “No mud, no lotus.”

An initiation is the start of something. Something profound. To truly integrate these teachings not only into your spiritual practice but also into your daily life, creating a sacred space within yourself that continues to blossom long after the initiation ends.

Your Invitation to Transform

This is not just an 8-week program—it’s a deep initiation into the wisdom of Blue Lotus and your own divine path. You’ll learn how to embody the essence of this sacred plant, bringing its medicine into all areas of your life. This journey will support you in finding peace within your challenges, strength in your vulnerability, and clarity in your divine purpose.

This journey is about more than experiencing magic; it's about integrating it into your daily life. Discover how to embody the wisdom of Blue Lotus, create sacred space, and sustain your practices. This is your invitation to plant flowers of peace and beauty in your inner sanctuary and embody this medicine throughout your life. It's an integration to bring all of you into the experience - even your self-sabotage, your smallness, your doubts... Discover a way to dance with them...

Through this Initiation we plant sacred seeds of Blue Lotus. Throughout the journey, that seeds grows and naturally changes our energetic web and our experience of life - all we have to do is be present and tend the seeds.

Program Overview

  • 8-Week Journey:

    • Start: Tuesday, January 21st

    • End: Thursday, March 13th (Full Moon)

    • Meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00-18:00 CET.

    • Online or in-person options available (all live sessions recorded).

  • Egypt Pilgrimage (February 6-16, 2025):

    • 11 days of sacred travel to Egypt’s ancient temples and sites.

    • Ceremony, rituals, and spiritual practices held throughout the pilgrimage.

  • Included:

    • 13 live sessions

    • 2 individual one-on-one sessions

    • 11 days pilgrimage to Egypt

    • 12 Blue Lotus flowers for ceremonies

    • Group support and integration

  • Integration Circles:

    • April 3rd & April 24th – Anchoring the medicine and supporting to embodying the teachings

About Blue Lotus - the Flower of Peace

Blue Lotus holds a sacred place in the hearts of ancient civilizations, revered for its profound spiritual significance and magic. It is associated with higher levels of consciousness, peace, presence, rebirth, death, magic, and much mystery. In Egypt, it is deeply connected to stories of creation, the sun, death and rebirth. It has been used for centuries in medicine, magic, rituals, celebrations, and more. If you visit the ancient temples of Egypt, you will find the Blue Lotus depicted on most, if not all, of the temples and tombs throughout the country.

The physical manifestation of plants often provides insight into their spirit and medicine. Blue Lotus, also known as the Sacred Blue Water Lily of the Nile (it is not in the lotus family, but rather a water lily), grows wild in ponds and waterways, including the Nile. It thrives only in clean water, emerging from the deep, dark mud, passing through the water and blooming in the light for only three days each year. During these three days, it opens to the sun and closes its petals each night to submerge again, reborn with the sunrise.

Much mystery surrounds Blue Lotus, and it seems that many stories about its use in ancient Egypt are based on the assumptions of archaeologists rather than spiritual masters or medical practitioners who have worked directly with the plant until recently. It seems that Blue Lotus is re-emerging, calling people to connect with it, to do plant Dietas with it, and to work with it. We have answered this call and invite you to join us in our prayers to, with, and through Blue Lotus.

Blue Lotus is a master plant, a sacred and wise teacher of rebirth, consciousness, peace, presence, flow, spirituality and ancient initiations.

In our experience, Blue Lotus is a plant of very high vibration, serving as a pure channel to the divine and consciousness, capable of facilitating profound healing, insight and spiritual growth.

My experience with Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus is a master, a buddha of plants and it is a priviledge to work with her. It will take lifetimes to understand the depth and mystery of this sacred teacher.

On my path Blue Lotus has expanded me in all possible ways. In my life, Blue Lotus is both a divine source of inspiration, guidance and also a pushy badass that constantly takes me to the edge of my being. To the edge where I meet my shadows, my smallness, my limitations - and she pushes me beyond! Beyond what I believe I am, what I believe I can do and what I believe is possible. Beyond doubt, fear, smallness, judgement and scarcity and into the space beyond.

She/he - because I do feel this teacher both masculine and feminine - has completely changed my life! She has restructured my nervous system and created so much space within me. She is pure consciousness AND she is the muddy waters.

For me, Blue Lotus teaches us and empowers us how to shine our divinity into this reality. Not from a “shanti-shanti-good-vibes-only-place” but from the realness of the real space. From the mud to the stem to the flower to source/god/goddess. Nothing is too small or too big to dance with.

I hear the call to initiate the people who are ready into this energy and also to teach them to navigate it, to integrate it and to be it. We are all pure consciousness and we are all part of the density.

Ready to Begin Your Blue Lotus Journey?

This is your invitation to step into the sacred, to plant seeds of peace and beauty in your inner sanctuary, and to embody the teachings of Blue Lotus in all areas of your life.

If you feel the call, I invite you to book a Discovery Call to explore this path deeper and prepare to embark on this life-changing initiation.

What’s Included?

  • 13 online/in-person sessions (Tuesdays & Thursdays at 16.00-18.00 CET)

    • Start: 21st of January

    • End: Thursday the 13th of March

  • 2 Individual Sessions (online or in-person)

  • 11 days in Egypt: 6-16th of February - in the Danish Winter-holiday. We will start in the evening Thursday the 6th.

  • 2 Integration circle live/in-person (3rd + 24th of April)

  • 12 Blue Lotus flowers for the initiation


“Eva Marie has helped me to step lighter in my life. To step lightly and feel deeply. Be curious and playful, but also serious and passionate about my life, where I want to go and what lives in me...

Eva Marie guides with this great presence and respect through the inner garden that is sometimes so overwhelming to look at and feel. I feel deeply respected and held through this difficult process and guided to feel and find my way, my unique path in life.”


Early Bird

Take advantage of our Early Bird price to help us secure the best accommodations and ensure a seamless experience for your journey to Egypt. We offer Early Bird prices until 30th of October 2024:

  • 8 weeks Blue Lotus Journey: 1800 Euro = 13.500 dkk

  • + 11 days pilgrimage to Egypt: 3950 Euro = 29.500 dkk (flights not included)

That means a total of 5.750 Euro = 43.000 dkk*

Normal Price

  • 8 weeks Blue Lotus Journey: 2000 Euro = 15.000 dkk

  • + 11 days pilgrimage to Egypt: 4444 Euro = 33.330 dkk (flights not included)

That means a total of 6444 Euro = 48.330 dkk*

*Yes, it is possible to pay in several instalments.

See you in the temple?

Book your discovery call